Morpheus Theatre Online
The Glass Menagerie - Winter 2004 

The Glass Menagerie > > > January 14 - 24, 2004

A Memory Play by Tennessee Williams

The Glass Menagerie is a memory play set in St. Louis in 1937. Its action is drawn from the memories of the narrator, Tom Wingfield, who is also a character in the play. He is an aspiring poet who toils in a shoe warehouse to support his mother, Amanda, and sister, Laura. Tom and Laura's father ran off years ago and, except for one postcard, has not been heard from since. Amanda, originally from a genteel Southern family, regales her children frequently with tales of her idyllic youth and the scores of suitors who once pursued her. She is disappointed that Laura, who is crippled and is painfully shy, does not attract any gentleman callers but instead focuses her attention on her glass animal collection. Amanda decides that Laura's last hope must lie in marriage. Tom, who loathes his warehouse job, finds escape in liquor, movies, and literature, much to his mother's chagrin. The long awaited gentleman caller does finally appear and hopes and expectations both mount and crash. Tennessee Williams’ story of a family on the brink of destruction.

Amanda Wingfield : (F) (the mother) a woman of great but confused energy living in the genteel past but faced with the harsh realities of poverty.

Laura Wingfield: (F) (her daughter), is a fragile young woman with a slight physical disability, who is unable to cope with reality and therefore lives in her own world of glass animals and phonograph records.

Tom Wingfield: (M) (her son), the narrator of the play, is a poet with a job in a warehouse who has a great need to escape.

Jim O’Connor : (M) (the gentleman caller), a nice, ordinary, young man.

Performances at the Pumphouse Theatre
Check out the Production Calendar
Directions to the Pumphouse
and Ticket Information

Production Crew

Stage Manager
Asst Stage Mgr
Lighting Design
Sound Design

Faith Casement
Lynda Elliott
Steven Eastgaard
Kevin Currie
Susanna Ciammaichella
Gerri Murphy
Deb Miall
John Nairn
Steven Eastgaard
Sean Anderson

Other production crew positions still available - please call Lynda at 246-8505.


Tom Wingfield
Laura Wingfield
Amanda Wingfield
Jim O’Connor
Young Amanda

Dave Gagnier
Carla Mueller
Angy Stimson
Jordan Koop
Oksana Porteous

Tickets are on sale now. Click here for more info on Tickets

updated October 7, 2003
Email: Copyright ©2002 Morpheus Theatre Phone: (403) 246-8505