Announcing the cast of Drinking Habits

Announcing the cast of Sylvia

Announcing the cast of It’s a Wonderful Life

Announcing the Cast of Rumors

The Cast of The Pirates of Penzance announced

Morpheus Theatre is pleased to announce the cast of our production of The Pirates of Penzance.

Major-General Stanley – Winnifred Hume
The Pirate Queen – Ginette Simonot
Samantha (her Lieutenant) – Ashleigh McAllister
Frederique (the Pirate Apprentice) – Evangeline Mably
Sergeant of Police – Aaron Bartholomew
Abel (General Stanley’s Ward) – Kyle Gould
General Stanley’s Wards (Issac, Charles, Edward)
Lilou Ferron
Gianluca Pedreschi
Darren Devakumar
Rick (a Pirate Maid) – George Thomson

Suzanne Berg
Kenzie Bye
Mary Madelaine
Alicia Maedel
Kate Power
Adrianna Rabeda
Clara Sandy
Kaaya Wiens

Pirates & Police:
Amber Dujay
Indianna Gordos
Lisa Hoffart

Dave Burhoe
Ed Washington
Derek Wilkinson

General Stanley’s Wards:
Terry Chung
Marlee Ferron
David Kampel
Bryan Weir

Thank you to everyone who came out for the auditions.

Cast of Robin Hood & His Merry Men is announced

Cast of Trial by Jury Announced

Cast of Resort to Murder announced

Morpheus Theatre is pleased to announce the cast of our next online Interactive Murder Mystery – Resort to Murder.

Serge Rolfing – Brendan Hunter
Richard Lovitt – David Kampel
Chef Pepe Poissant – Allen Crowley
Penny Trayshin – Jen Leclaire
Herb Skanheelu – Travis Woodward & Atreya Nittala
Karma Mystikka – Sara Me.

Thank you to everyone who came out for the auditions.

Cast of A Christmas Carol Announced

Morpheus Theatre is pleased to announce the cast of our 26th season Christmas production – A Christmas Carol.

Cast of The Pirates of Penzance announced

Morpheus Theatre is pleased to announce the cast of our production of The Pirates of Penzance.

Major-General Stanley – Winnifred Hume
The Pirate Queen – Ginette Simonot
Samantha (her Lieutenant) – Jacqueline Halase
Frederique (the Pirate Apprentice) – Evangeline Mably
Sergeant of Police – Stuart Bentley
Abel (General Stanley’s Ward) – Kyle Gould
General Stanley’s Wards (Edward, Charles, Isaac)
Lilou Ferron
Robert Lewis
Cameron Ross
Rick (a Pirate Maid) – George Thomson

Amanda Burch
Makenna Clarke
Alicia Maedel
Madeleine McKee
Danica Power
Kate Power
Clara Sandy
Abigail Wiedrick

Pirates & Police:
Amber Dujay
Alison Miller

Dave Burhoe
Lisa Hoffart
Ed Washington
Derek Wilkinson

General Stanley’s Wards:
Terry Chung
Marlee Ferron
Joseph Horchower
Trevor Matheson
Brad Reynolds

Thank you to everyone who came out for the auditions.